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In memory of
Dale Ball
August 11, 1947 – November 05, 2021 - 74 years old
Dale Ball, of New Richmond, Quebec, died on November 5th, 2021 following a cycling accident in Cascapedia-Saint-Jules on November 4th, 2021. He died doing what he loved most, surrounded by his beloved mountains and river.

As the community is sure to know, Dale was an avid athlete and outdoor enthusiast, a general lover of life and people. He is remembered for his genuine kindness, his warm smile and authentic curiosity about people, places and things. His biggest joy in life was being surrounded by the family and friends he loved so dearly. He had a true desire to help others, constantly extending a helping hand and volunteering to coach sports or organize events for the community. A humble and loyal husband, teacher, athlete, father and grand-father, Dale always believed in giving more than he received. He will be missed by all those whose lives he touched so dearly. Dale lived life to the fullest and made every moment count. He noticed the blessings in a simple day and shared his appreciation for life with those around him.

Dale was born in Wawota, SK, on August 11th, 1947 to Maye Clements and Donald Balls. He was raised with his 4 siblings (Wayne, Barry, Marlene and Kathleen) on a farm in Maryfield, SK and upon graduating high school he studied at the University of Regina to become a teacher. Dale eventually moved to the Gaspe Peninsula in search of water and mountains, where he also found the love of his life, Donna Bisson. In New Richmond, he and Donna raised their three children, living in the same home and sharing the joys of parenting with Dale’s father-in-law, Orley Bisson. Dale spent his career as a Math and Phys Ed teacher at Bonaventure Polyvalent School, where he dedicated 30 years of teaching and volunteer coaching. Putting his farm truck skills to good use, Dale even got his school bus driver’s license just so he could take students on trips and tournaments. In his retirement, Dale was constantly pursuing the outdoors or working on his gadgets and “improving things” around the house. He may also have spent a little time enjoying a meal or dessert or two, prepared by his in-house “chef-de-cuisine”, Donna. In his last 4 years of life, Dale’s family and friends got to watch him become the best Grampy to his two young grandchildren, his biggest pride and joy. Though he left them much too early, the loving relationship he shared with them has already helped them to grow into kind, curious and playful people. There will always be a little Dale in them and the Family Tree will always grow.

Dale is survived by his wife Donna Bisson, his children Mark (Lauren), Angela (Kristy) and Chantal.

Visitation will be held at Salon Funéraire Henri Thidodeau at 221, Chemin Cyr, New Richmond, on Thursday, November 11, 2021 from 4 pm to 7 pm.

Funeral Service will be held at the United Church in New Richmond on Friday, November 12, 2021 at 11am.

Burial to follow at Black Cape Cemetery.

Please take note that the day of the funeral, there is no visitation.

Donation can be made in Memory of Dale Ball to an organization of your choice.

Professional services were entrusted to Salon Funéraire Henri Thibodeau inc., a subsidiary of the HG Division network Certified Distinction by the Corporation des thanatologues du Québec and by the Bureau de normalisation du Québec.

The management and staff of HG Division offer their sincere condolences to the family and thank them for their trust.

Message from Kenneth and Sarah Duguay November 14, 2021

Donna and family
So sorry to hear of Dale' s passing. We know that you all have many happy memories. Always will remember the kindness shown to Crystal by the entire family.

Message from Gary Marsh November 13, 2021

I have known Dale during our volunteering together in my committee at the relay for life. Dale was pleasant , reliable and always in a good mood.
I will keep good memories of him.

Gary Marsh and Marie LaRue

Message from Chris Callaghan November 13, 2021

Donna, Dale sounds like a wonderful man, and your perfect partner. I am so very sorry that you and your family have lost him.

Message from Jamie Pettit November 12, 2021

From Ontario, I send my deepest sympathies and thoughts to Donna and the family. Growing up on the Gaspe in the 80s, I remember my father carpooling to BPS with Dale on a regular basis. While my father could sometimes be a man of few words, I do recall him talking about Dale often, and it was apparent that he admired him as both a friend and fellow educator. Years later, I had both Dale and Donna as teachers, and I remain thankful to this day for their impact in helping me to be successful as a student. I hope these little memories can provide a bit of comfort during this time of great sadness.

Message from Maryse Brunelle, Roger Cyr, Esther Brunelle-Cyr November 12, 2021

Donna, Chantal, Angela et Mark, nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous en ces moments difficiles et nous vous offrons toutes nos condoléances.
Nous gardons le souvenir d’un homme toujours emphatique et de bonne humeur, tellement gentil!
Soyez forts, que l’amour que vous partagez vous permette de traverser cette épreuve!

Message from Macdonell Family November 12, 2021

Our thoughts and hearts are with the Ball family, as you cope with this heartbreaking loss. Our family loved the time we got the spend with Dale, and his vibrant and curious outlook on life. Sending lots of love to all of you.

Message from Régis et Louise November 12, 2021

Nos plus sincères condoléances dans ces moments les plus difficiles.Je garde un excelllent souvenir de Dale au terrain de balle! Courage à toute la famille!

Message from Carter Assels November 12, 2021

My sincere condolences go out to Donna and family during this difficult time. Both Dale and Donna were gifted and compassionate educators who impacted myself and many students who passed through their classes over the years at BPS. So sorry to hear of your loss.

Message from Joyce Lynd November 12, 2021

Donna, My deepest sympathy to you and your family. You are all in my thoughts and prayers..

Message from Sean(John) O'Connor November 11, 2021

I extend sincere sympathy to Donna and family, and to the Bisson and Ball families on the death of Dale. I came to know Dale when he became a teaching colleague in Watson, SK in the early 70's. We became life-long friends. He attended my wedding on Dec. 28, 1974 in Kelvington, SK. Just a few summers ago he visited my wife and me at Delaronde Lake in SK. During that visit he was full of praise and gratitude for his wife and children. No doubt, Dale had found joy and fulfillment in his family.
I am so sorry that he is gone. RIP

Message from Lynne Willett & Ken Sexton November 11, 2021

Donna, chantal ,Mark, Angela, and families,please except my sincere sympathy in the loss of you're beloved husband and father. A wonderful man who was respected and loved by all who knew him.

Message from Sarto Bujold et Suzanne Gauthier November 11, 2021

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille.Ce fut un grand privilège de passer de bons moments durant différentes activités du Club Rotary.

Message from Natalie Clark & Allen Willett November 11, 2021

Dear Donna, family and friends.
We were very saddened to hear of Dale's passing. We are sending you strength and courage in these difficult times.
Our sincere condolences.

Message from James & Eileen Hardy November 11, 2021

We would like to send our sincere condolences to you Donna , your children and the Ball family. Be sure to take care of yourself in these difficult days and months ahead.

Message from Deborah Mcinnis Duthie November 11, 2021

Dear Donna, mark Angie, Chantel and the Ball and Bisson families.My sincere Sympathy to all your family on your loss.Dale was a wonderful and caring man who will be deeply missed.Please know I will be thinking of you in the sad days ahead.sending hugs.

Message from Ron Goldsmith November 11, 2021

Dale and I were teenage friends in Maryfield SK. We have not been in contact for a very long time but I was shocked and saddened to hear of his tragic passing. I have many happy memories of a good friend and a fine person. My condolences to all of Dale's family and friends.

Message from Roxanne Boudreau November 11, 2021

My deepest sympathy Donna and family.

Message from Lee and Gloria Sinclair November 11, 2021

Our sincere condolences to you Donna, and your family.

Message from Bourdages Jacques November 11, 2021

Sincères condoléances à toi donna ainsi qu'aux trois enfants . Merci Dale pour ta grande générosité .

Message from Bill and Louise (Hayes) Morrison November 11, 2021

Bill and I offer our sincere condolences to all the family as you go through this very sad loss. Mr. Ball was a special teacher who was very instrumental in helping BPS staff and students develop a wonderful sense of school spirit during the 1973-74 school year, Bonaventure Polyvalent School’s very first year. As a young teacher who had just arrived from Saskatchewan, in addition to his teaching duties he put his heart, soul and countless hours into helping to organize a school trip to London, England. Those of us who had the privilege of being chaperoned by Mr. Ball and the other teachers who accompanied us will never forget what he did for us. At the 1995 BPS Reunion, we watched him proudly show the video he had taken of that trip. He truly made a difference in the lives of his students. We are praying for comfort for all of you.
Bill and Louise (Hayes) Morrison

Message from Delena November 11, 2021

Profound condolences. May your happy memories console your grief and his many achievements make you proud.

Message from Renaud Leblanc November 11, 2021


Message from Claude Roussy November 11, 2021

We want to offer our sympathies to the family. Claudine et Claude

Lors de la perte d'un être cher, notre peine est immense. Dans ces moments de douleurs profondes, toutes mes pensées vous accompagnent. Mes plus sincères condoléances.

Message from Dan Leger Campbellton Curling Club November 11, 2021

Our deepest sympathies to Dale's family. A true gentleman and a great sport, we truly enjoyed having Dale curl at our Club. He will be missed. RIP Dale.

Message from Paula White and François Lamarche November 11, 2021

Donna,Angela,Chantal and Marc please accept our deepest sympathies.We were deeply saddened upon hearing the news of Dales accident.Dale was a wonderful person.He will be greatly missed by his family and in the community.Your description of him is very touching.The strength and unity of your family and friends will help you through this difficult time.Our thoughts are with you and your family.

Message from Nancy Coulombe November 11, 2021

Our deepest sympathy to you Donna and your family. What a shock when we heard the news. Dale was a wonderful person, knowing him from BPS and then always a little visit to chat with me when he came to our store. The obituary was truly beautiful. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all during this trying time.
Nancy and Pierre

Message from Michael Chesser & Janice Marcoux3 November 11, 2021

Our heart felt sympathy to Donna and family. He is now with the angels

Message from Claire Routhier et Gilles Tremblay November 11, 2021

Donna and family, we would like to offer you our deepest condolences for this tragedy that grieves you. Courage.

Message from Sheila Starrak November 11, 2021

Toutes nos pensées sont tournées vers vous pour vous apporter un peu de réconfort dans l'épreuve que vous vivez.

Sachez que dans le deuil vous n'êtes pas seuls puisque vous pouvez compter sur notre sincère amitié.

So sorry to hear of this unbelievable tragedy. My sincere condolences to Donna and the family.

Message from Kenneth Ward November 11, 2021

Our sincere condolences to Donna, Mark, Angie, Chantal and members of the Bisson/Ball families. I have memories of Dale as a member of the staff in the earlier years at BPS which I shall always cherish. A great individual who will be missed by many.
Ken & Christine (Fraser) Ward

Message from Gisele Gallibois November 11, 2021

The news of Dale's passing was shocking. My deepest sympathies to Donna and the family. Dale was absolutely my favorite Math Teacher at BPS.

Message from Kelly Imhoff November 11, 2021

Dear Donna and family,
Please accept my deepest sympathies on the loss of Dale. He was a very special man and his loss will be felt by so many in the community. My prayers and thoughts are with you all during this time.

Message from Brian Babin November 11, 2021

Sincères condoléances toute la famille à Marc et à Angela, mes pensées vous accompagnes dans ce drame. La vie est un tourbillon, nous devons rester fort.

Message from Menne en Hendrikus November 11, 2021

Dear family,

Our deepest condolences to all of you.

It feels like we knew him a bit, because of your stories of him, the photos and videos of him together with Jax and Avery and this beautiful necrology.

A great loss for you, your family and your community..

Sending you love ❤️ from Holland 🇳🇱
Warm regards,
Menne and Hendrikus

Message from Richer Morin November 11, 2021

Les souvenirs resteront toujours. Nous vous offrons nos plus profondes sympathies en ces moments difficiles. Que nos pensées vous accompagnent dans cette épreuve. Bon courage afin de surmonter une si pénible épreuve !

Message from Cynthia Boucher November 11, 2021

Sincerest condolences to Donna, Mark, Angela and Chantal.

Message from Elsie Marsh November 11, 2021

My heartfelt condolences to Donna and family.
You are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Message from Winnifred & Allyson Furman November 11, 2021

Dale was not just someone you met. He left you feeling better for having made his acquaintance and experiencing his generosity and zest for life.

Message from Charlene Hayes November 11, 2021

What a tragedy. Dale was one of the kindest, most humble human beings I have ever met. My heart goes out to you Donna, Angie, Chantal and Mark. May the great memories of him give you some peace in this time of immense sorrow.

Message from PIERRE ARSENAULT November 11, 2021

Mes plus sincères sympathiesà Donna et ses enfants.Je garde de très bons souvenirs d'un ancien confr`ere de gymnase,il était très jovial.Pierre Arsenault

Message from November 11, 2021

Sincere condolences Donna, family and friends, who are heartbroken at this time. Dale was a true gentleman, and good human being.

Message from Everett and Connie Fairservice November 11, 2021

Our deepest sympathy to Donna, Mark, Angie, Chantal and all the Ball and Bisson Family.. You are in .our thought and prayers . When ever anyone mentioned the name of Dale ,it was always with the greatest respect. He was a very special man and will be missed by all who new him. RIP Dale.

Message from Jannett Beebe-Main November 11, 2021

Our sincere sympathy to Donna and the family. Dale was a kind and gentle soul as a teacher. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Jannett (Beebe-Main) and Randy Main

Message from Denise Bujold et Jean- Marie Thibodeau November 11, 2021

We offer our deepest sympathies to Donna and the children. Dale was such a good friend and a good person. He will be missed by all the members of the Carleton Golf Club. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Denise et Jean-Marie

Message from Barry Crozier November 11, 2021

My sincerest condolences to all affected by this terrible tragedy. Mr Ball truly had his students well being at heart. As a student at BPS and not really into sports, he took the time and made me feel included. I felt like an outsider but he would turn that around and made me feel like I was part of the team. Always positive and if he wasn't coaching you in during gym class, he was coaching you how to be a better person. He clearly will be missed by all of those individuals whose lives he affected as he went along in his own life's journey. RIP Mr Ball, you truly were one of a kind.

Message from Diane Arbour et Jean-Piere Cormier November 11, 2021

Our sincere sympathies to you Donna and all the family.

Message from Lily Bourdages November 11, 2021

Sympathies à la famille Ball …. Je garde de très bon souvenirs de Mr. Dale comme professeur … tellement une bonne personne… près des gens et de sa communauté..

Message from Graham and Linda Geddes November 11, 2021

What a special obituary which clearly expresses how we will remember Dale. One of the greatest joys of our lives was when our son married into the Bisson family. Dale was one of those rare persons you feel at ease with immediately and come away saying “Wow, what a great guy”. Our hearts are in shock but thinking of who he was, eases the pain by remembering his infectious smile and personality. We are thinking of you all.

Message from Carl Garrett November 11, 2021

Sincere sympathy to all the family during this difficult time.

Message from Emilie fortin November 11, 2021

Dear Chani and family, I was shocked to learn about your tragic lost. I am sending you all hugs and love in these difficult times. With love, Emilie xxxxxx

Message from Jenny Horth Castilloux November 10, 2021

I was shocked and saddened to hear of Mr. Ball’s accident. Hearing that he was doing something that he loved, in a place that captivated his heart, was a small relief… do what you love and love what you do! He was a great teacher, very calm and pushed us to really know what was required, even though I only figured that out once I was in CÉGEP. Always, almost, a big smile on his lips ready to hear whatever story I was going to come out with. My heart goes out to all Mr. Ball’s friends and family, grieving with this unexpected loss.

Message from Ethel and Lloyd Ward November 10, 2021

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time

Message from Richard and Debbie Hardy November 10, 2021

Our deepest sympathies to the ball family!
From one passionate biker to another, biking will never be the same without you!
Dale will always be remembered for his contagious smile and his heart of gold!
Rest In Peace buddy! You will be sadly missed !

Message from Grace LeBlanc November 10, 2021

My sincere sympathy to you Donna and your children.

Message from Beverly Brazier November 10, 2021

I'm so very sorry for your loss. I have good memories of him as a kind and compassionate man. I'll hold you all close in prayer.

Message from Stephen Duguay November 10, 2021

My deepest sympathy.

Message from Darlene Sexton and Larry Duthie November 10, 2021

Our sincere sympathies to Donna and all of Dale's family. His friendly smile and kind word will be missed.

Message from Cyrus and Iva Journeau November 10, 2021

It was with a very heavy heart that we heard of Dale's tragic
accident. I was privileged to have the opportunity to get to
know him while working with him at Bonaventure Polyvalent
School. Dale was a dedicated, conscientious teacher who
had the entire welfare of his students at heart. His mild
manner and interest won for him the respect and admiration
of both the staff and students. Our sincere sympathy to you,
Donna, your children and their families, as well as to all
members of the Bisson and Ball families. May his soul rest
in peace, and may the wonderful memories of your lives
together bring you consolation. Iva and Cy

Message from Ruth flowers November 10, 2021

Our deepest sympathy, our thoughts are with you .

Message from Robert and Glenna Renouf November 10, 2021

To Donna and family, our deepest sympathy for your loss. Dale will be missed by all.

Message from Jackie Cyr et Michel Dion November 10, 2021

My condolences Dona and family. Very sad for your lost.

Message from Jennifer guyader November 10, 2021

My heartfelt condolences to the whole family. There are no words that will make this any easier but he was an incredible teacher and man. I'm so sorry for your loss. You are all in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Jen

Message from BONNIE GARETT November 10, 2021

My Deepest Sympathy to Donna,Mark,Angela,Chantal and family

Message from Melanie hayes November 10, 2021

My deepest sympathies. Mr. Ball’s passing has shocked and saddened a generation of students who he impacted with his kindness and dedication.

Nos plus sincères condoléances en ces temps de profonde tristesse.

Message from Stephen & Denise (Dallain) Doherty November 10, 2021

Dear Mrs Bisson and Family, members of the Ball and Bisson Family;
It is with great sadness that we heard of Dale’s accident and of his passing. We have great memories of golf games and curling bonspiels in his company. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family and friends at this very difficult time. Our most sincere sympathies.

Message from June Main November 10, 2021

To Donna and Family
As there are no words that can confort you at this sad time, please know that my heart and prayers are with you. Dale was an amazing person and It was always a pleasure to meet him as he always had something to say. We all have fond memories of him.

Message from McLeod Tammy November 10, 2021

We would like to extend our deepest and sincere condolences to Donna Bisson and the family, Dale was a great teacher and a wonderful person we will miss him dearly. Cullie Hardy and Tammy McLeod

Message from Sarah Hayes November 10, 2021

I was so deeply saddened to hear this news. Mr. Ball was such a kind and patient teacher and human being. When I look back on my BPS days and think about where I struggled the most; it was because of his help that I was able to succeed. His « job » and passion for helping impacting me more than he knew. My sincere condolences to the family as you navigate this difficult time.

Message from Liette et Jean Cormier November 10, 2021

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille de Dale.
Nous sommes très peinés de cette perte accidentelle. Nous conserverons le souvenir d’un homme de famille, sportif, généreux! Nos pensées sont avec vous.

Message from Randy Clements November 10, 2021

What a joy and honour to have had Dale as my cousin. I can only hope to be half the man he was. I will always remember his gentle ways and the kindness in his voice. My sympathies to all the family at the loss of a great man. I am so happy he was at the last family reunion. My love to all …Randy

Message from Helene Campbell November 10, 2021

please accept my sincere sympathies Donna and family.

Message from Carol Beebe Gilker November 10, 2021

My deepest sympathy to you all.

Message from Langis Bujold November 10, 2021

Sincères symphathies à la famille
Je garde que de bons souvenirs de lui lorsqu il
travaillait à la polyvalente de Bonaventure

Message from Roland Beebe and Helene Belisle November 10, 2021

We were very sad to hear of the passing of Mr. Ball. We wish to send our sincere condolences to the family. He was truly a great teacher.

Message from Sheila &Harry Campbell November 10, 2021

So sorry for your loss,our sincere sympathies to Donna,children and families.

Message from Lana Montgomery November 10, 2021

My Sincere Condolences to the friends and family of Dale.
I will always remember his smile and little chats outside my home as he walked by or delivered my Rotary Calender.

May you find great strength in each other during this difficult time.

Message from Jim Coulter November 10, 2021

Dale was in my bridal party in 1971, a friend from university days, a “Saskatchewan Boy”in so many ways, and a gentle and sincere soul. We always said we would get together - now it is too late. But I will now still have my memories. Donna and kids ——I wish I could hug you!

Message from Suzanne & Frédéric November 10, 2021

Nos plus sincères condoléances.

Toutes nos pensées sont tournées vers vous pour vous apporter un peu de réconfort dans l'épreuve que vous vivez.

Message from Nathalie Landry November 10, 2021

Mes plus sincères sympathies à toute votre famille .

Message from Wendy Willett November 10, 2021

My deepest sympathies to Donna and family.

Message from Sheila Martin November 10, 2021

My Sincere Sympathy Donna & family

Message from Sylvain Joseph November 10, 2021

Nos plus sincères sympathies à toute la famille de Dale. Nous garderons un souvenir d'une personne tellement sympathique et un bon partenaire de golf. Sylvain et Colette

Message from Wayne,Sharon and the Murray clan November 10, 2021

On behalf of Wayne,Sharon and the Murray’s,our most sincere condolences to you Donna,and to your dear family .

Message from Kelly Cochrane November 10, 2021

My deepest sympathies to Donna and Family.

Message from Fernand Gagne November 10, 2021

To the family
Mes sympathies les plus sincères
Je l ai connu au terrain de golf on partageait la même passion pour le golf

Message from Linda Tozer/Edgar Ritchie November 10, 2021

We are very sorry for your loss Donna and family. Please accept our sincere condolences.

Message from Jimmy and Janice Bujold November 10, 2021

Deepest condolences to Donna her children family and friends 💔🙏🏽💔

Message from Trevor Leo Renouf November 10, 2021

I am truly sorry for your loss. Mr. Ball will truly be missed and he will never be forgotten, may his soul rest in peace.

Message from Edith Leblanc November 10, 2021

My most sincere condolences to all the family. My thoughts are with you in this though time

Message from Earle Mabe November 10, 2021

To Donna and family. Cathy and I would like to offer our deepest condolences . Dale was a great individual. Your father spoke often to me how lucky he was to have Dale in his family.

Message from Christine Grenier November 10, 2021

C'est avec beaucoup de tristesse que j'ai appris l accident mes sincères symphaihies à toi Donna et toute ta famille je pense a vous très fort xxx

Message from Edith MacMillan MacKenzie and Warren JR November 10, 2021

Sincere sympathy to all the family during this sad time.

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